NOVAworks Job Connector
NOVAworks Job Connector is our new skills-based job matching platform to post your jobs & find talent.
Employer account benefits include:
  • Access to Bay Area candidates profiles and resumes
  • Real-time talent matches & outreach to candidates (Image below)
  • Increased visibility for open positions as a ‘Featured’ employer
  • Assistance optimizing uploaded job posts with suggested desired skills
  • Account support conducting job matches, pre-screening and referrals
  • Contact NOVAworks Business Services to discuss your hiring needs and schedule a demo.

    Sign in to NOVAworks Job Connector
    Conduct talent matches for your uploaded job

    Contact NOVAworks for assistance or to learn more about how we can meet your needs.



    Layoff Assistance Information Sessions

    It is a very stressful time being unemployed, and I was overwhelmed with the layoffs but NOVAworks helped me stay focused and positive.The workshops are super helpful.