Problem, Solution, Result (PSR)
Accomplishments for the resume
The PSR is an effective way to showcase your skills and personal qualities by illustrating them with a brief example.
- Problem: What was the issue?
- Solution: What did you do about it?
- Result: What was the benefit to the employer?
- Problem: Staff were submitting time cards with errors.
- Solution: I created a spreadsheet that would automatically allocate staff time to correct charge codes.
- Result: Staff time cards were accurate, saving me time on correcting and updating time cards.
What goes on the resume? The problem is implied but not included. Instead, focus on your solution (what you did) and the result (benefit to the employer). Here is what the statement on the resume would look like:
- Reduced the amount of time it took to review and edit incorrect time cards by creating a spreadsheet for staff that automatically allocated work time to correct charge codes.